Know our company better

Who we are?
DIL is not owned by any private individual.
We are a body which was formed by 58 members
of the gems and jewellery trade, with the active
support of GJEPC, to serve the interest of the
trade. We are notified as a Nominated Agency by
the Ministry of Commerce, Government of India
(GOI), for import of precious metals like gold,
silver, platinum, silver alloys etc. Being a ‘trade
body’, we are the only corporate in the private
sector to be so notified.

What we do?
We are engaged in the supply of imported inputs,
like rough diamonds and bullion, to the jewellers.
We provide jewellers convenience and value in
supply. Our focus is on servicing the small
exporters with supply of imported gold and silver
for their jewellery export. We fill a critical gap in
supply and thus, help grow the country’s exports.
our mission
To seamlessly
support the growth of
the gems and jewellery industry in line with government objectives
Through trusted and transparent supply
of critical materials and services

our vision
To contribute to growth through
innovation and excellence

To be the most
trusted supplier of
precious metals for the
gems and jewellery
industry, especially
jewellery exporters

To be the most
transparent in our
product delivery and
service following best
practices and
compliance standards

To be the most
innovative as we
contribute to the
growth of the gems
and jewellery industry

We maintain ethical conduct
Everything we do is based on transparency
and truthfulness. We comply with all
mandatory standards and always follow
best practices.
Human Capital
We value human capital the most to propel a service-oriented company, with a skill-based operation, like ours. We believe in performance through motivation. We train the employees well, both in improving the skill set as well as imbibing the culture of service. We recognise and reward the employees who deliver on performance, innovation, and initiatives.
Dignity at Workplace
We firmly believe in human dignity, gender equality and fairness in workplace. Among other best practices, we have an anti-sexual harassment policy in consonance with the local law. It provides clear guidelines (Dos & Don’ts) for the conduct of all employees at workplace and an effective redressal mechanism for the aggrieved women employees.
Responsible Sourcing
As a trade body sourcing raw materials for gems and jewellery industry, we value and practice responsible sourcing. We source goods from government companies, regulated banks, listed/reputed corporates with a good track record and who follow OECD guidelines. We avoid regions and players who could possibly be contaminated with drug money, child labour, terror financing etc. We filter the supply sources to restrict ourselves to the responsible ones, even at the cost of earning an extra income.
Fair Competition
We play to our strengths and respect our limitations. We believe that the marketplace is big enough for efficient players and the customer should have the last say in its choice. We, therefore, do not resort to negative practices in winning over competition. We would rather woo customers on service quality and fair practices to build a long-term franchise value.
Conflict of Interest
We strongly believe in the arm’s length relationship between matters personal and professional. As an intermediary, we are acutely conscious of the potential conflicts of interest in our business operations. We, therefore, assiduously avoid related party transactions and practice strict disclosures wherever required.
Anti-money Laundering
We strongly believe that money-laundering is a scourge for the society and must not have any place in our business operations. Neither would we do any such act nor allow any of our business associates to use us for such acts. Therefore, we strictly adhere to customer due diligence, use of banking channels for funding and stay away from any practice that may remotely pass for money-laundering.
Anti-bribery policy
DIL is committed to conducting its business honestly, fairly and with integrity and highest possible ethical standards. As such, it does not believe in either giving or accepting bribes to secure/provide unfair business advantages. It does not endorse, encourage or believe in any act of giving, receiving, soliciting, promising or offering cash or non-cash value or any facilitation payments, either directly or indirectly, to influence or secure an unfair business advantage, financial or otherwise, which the Company otherwise is not entitled. It adopts best practices to prevent corruption and encourages whistleblowing to flag concerns, if any.
We promote responsible and secure whistleblowing. Employees are encouraged to raise concerns if they see any malpractice which is prejudicial to the interest of the company. We see whistleblowing not as a complaint but as a crucial element of organisational well- being. We, therefore, provide whistleblowers full confidentiality and protection from personal harm.

The story of our journey
ours is an eventful journey of growth, resilience and service over two decades.
our TEAM
Board of Directors
Shri Praveen Shankar Pandya
Shri Suresh C. Shah
Shri Nilesh N. Shah
Shri Mehul Navinchandra Shah
Shri Dilip M. Shah
Smt Dipika Biyani
Shri Milan Tanvir Chokshi
Shri Dilip S. Dalal
Shri Jay M. Parikh
Shri Sanjay J. Bhansali
Shri Sidharth P. Pandya

Creating a
social impact
Our Corporate
Empowering the Underprivileged
CSR is our ethos.
A measurable outcome is our goal.
uplift the disadvantaged, the vulnerable and the marginalised sections of society.
Read about some of the recent activities and projects we have supported

Each One – Teach One
opportunities for the underprivileged.

Friends of Tribal Society
the underprivileged rural and tribal masses in India.

Rotary Club of Bombay
order to support Covid-19 patients.

Eye camp, food donation projects
at ground level.